Chairman and Whole Time Director

He is the Chairman and Whole Time Director of the Company. He holds Master’s degree in Accountancy form Rajasthan University. He has vast experience of over 20 years in Salt Industries. Apart from that from an early age he has observed the Salt industry very closely. After completing his education, he joined Goyal Iodised Salt works in 2008 and setup one of north India’s firstwashed salt iodised plant with capacity of 250 M.T. per day. In 2010,he started Goyal Salt Private Limited with a capacity of 300 M.T. Per day, which was among first refineries in north India. In 2015, he setup another plant with the capacity of 700 M.T. per day. In the same campus of GSL,in 2016 he established Shree Shakambhar Chemfood Industries (Gujrat) to cater PanIndia Salt Market. He is very enthusiastic and energetic person who always look forward for challenges. He holds very good command on raw salt fields and raw salt manufacturer. As we all know, man power is the strongest assets of an organization, he holds a team of man power for quality control and production.
Managing Director

He is Managing Director of Goyal Salt Limited. He is a young and dynamic person who is passionate about delivering the best services and products to his customers. He holdsMaster’s degree in Accountancy from Rajasthan University. Has experience of over 20 years in salt industry. He joined family business of salt in 2005 along with his father and learned the know how’s of salt market. Then in 2008, he setup an iodized salt washing plant. In 2010, he started the Company in the name “Goyal Salt Private Limited.”Then in 2015,he increased the production capacity of the Companyby setting up a new plant. In 2016, he also joined Shree Shakambhar Chemfood Industries to caterPan IndiaSalt Market.Thereafter, in 2020, he purchased a running washery in Shree Shakambhar Chemfood. In 2022, he started ShreeShakambhar Chemicals Private Limited,which is a bromine & magnesium facility in Gujarat. He connects well with the employees and acts as a bridge between employees and management of the company. Mr. Pramesh Goyal has a strong command over the Pan India Salt Market and a commitment to deliver high standards of client satisfaction and company effectiveness. He consistently bases his empire on a robust national distribution network.
Whole Time Director
He is Whole Time Director of Goyal Salt Limited. He is a young and dynamic person who is always ready to take challenge & innovation technology. Completed his bachelor degree form Pune in Business Administration and then Master in Business Management & Marketing form Rajasthan Technical University. He Joined Goyal Salt in 2010 and was redesignated as Whole-Time Director in 2023. he has an experience of over 15 years in the salt industry. He has good control of man power & salt trade. He has a team of experienced employees and qualified technicians. He focuses & invests time in product development & innovation for customer satisfaction.
Non-Executive Director

She is the Non-Executive Director of the Company. She holds Master’s degree from the University of Rajasthan. She is engaged in the salt business for more than 14 years.In 2023, She has joined theBoard as a Non-Executive Director.
Independent Director

Mr. Narendra Dev Garg is an Independent Director of the Company. He is presently working as General Manager (Commercial) in M/s Mahavir Polymers Private Limited. He is a seasoned banker having over 40 years of work experience in almost every Banking Segment. Besides this, he is a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB), Advisor to various start-ups and is on panel of interview Board of IBPS. He is a person having entrepreneurial mind set with consistent result oriented high performance. He joined the Board on March 22, 2024.
Independent Director

She is an Independent Director of the Company. She got 23rd All India Rank (AIR) in Company Secretaries Foundation Examination. She is Professional Member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and practicing since 2014 in the name as “Manisha Godara & Associates”. She is a merit holder in All India Commerce Talent Search Examination. She holds Masters’ degree in Commerce from Rajasthan University and completed Bachelor of Commerce from Maharani College, Jaipur. She scored 94% in Rajasthan State Certificate Course in Information Technology. She is a merit holder in Economics by Central Board of Secondary Education for Higher Secondary. She joined the Company in 2023.